Engage Passive Candidates Better

Happy new hire in a meeting

LinkedIn is an important resource for recruiters looking for people to fill positions. However, it’s important certain steps are taken to avoid annoying your LinkedIn network when you advertise positions.

Make Sure the Position is Relevant

If you’re sending a message to someone on LinkedIn offering them a chance to interview for a position, make sure it’s relevant to what they do and are interested in. Sending someone a message about a sales position when they’ve been a graphic designer for seven years is a surefire way to tick them off. Make sure they have the skills that the job requires and have at least a few endorsements from people they’ve worked with. Don’t send someone an offer for a position that is well beneath their level of experience.

Understand the Position You are Looking to Fill

Potential candidates are likely to ask you questions about the position you’re advertising, and you should be able to give a full and detailed response to them. This doesn’t mean you know how to do the work the job requires, but you should be able to completely describe what the job will entail. Not knowing basics like this makes it look like you’re just throwing things at the wall hoping something will stick. If people know you’re serious about recruiting, they’ll be open to future offers from you even if they don’t accept this one.

Clearly State the Company, Position, and Compensation

Being too vague is a mistake that tons of recruiters make when they are advertising positions on LinkedIn. Be clear about the company, position, and the compensation you are offering. If people know the company that’s interested in them, they can do some research and make a decision on whether they’re interested or not. You should know the company well enough to offer some insight into their culture and how they work in general. If you don’t bother to include this information, your messages might come across as robotic and people aren’t likely to pursue them.

Don’t Ask for Referrals Too Soon

Make sure you’ve worked with someone for a while before you ask them for a referral. Unfortunately, some recruiters use LinkedIn just to boost their number of referrals. Referrals should be an honest reflection of an employee being satisfied with the recruiter and their work. Wait at least a few months before you ask someone to give you a referral, and try not to send it to anyone who you aren’t fairly certain will give it to you. Otherwise, people might think you’re just padding your numbers.

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools recruiters have for finding qualified and capable candidates for positions they need to fill. Unfortunately, some recruiters don’t use LinkedIn in a way that’s beneficial for everyone and end up annoying their network. Use these tips when posting a job offer and try to be as transparent as possible.

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