HiringThing Blog

White Label Software Partnerships: What To Consider

Written by Pat Brothwell | February 6, 2023


Finding the Right White Label Partner is Important

Today’s SaaS customers constantly look for their vendors to innovate and expect regular features and functionality updates. White labeling is a great way to quickly and cost-effectively add these new updates, which is why so many SaaS companies are taking advantage of it.  However, not all white label vendors are created equal. Picking the right one is crucial, especially since their products will be presented as your proprietary solutions. This blog aims to give you a quick rundown of what to look for in a white label partnership

We're assuming you've got here because you're already in the market for a white label solution, but if you need to learn what white labeling entails, check out White Label Software: What is It? (this piece is applicable even if you're not in the market for white label HR solutions)

White Label Partner Considerations

Establishing the right white label vendor to partner with is essential. Remember, you’re presenting their solution as proprietary; thus, it directly reflects and impacts the brand you’ve worked hard to cultivate. 

The Global Software Outsourcing Trends and Rates Guide found that 97% of SaaS companies that outsource “aren’t qualified to deliver the quality and outcomes” companies need. It also found that “performance or fit issues” have caused more than 50% of companies to end outsourcing partnerships.”

Remember that a white label partnership goes deeper than your typical buyer/customer relationship. You want to ensure that this relationship is right on every level before proceeding to stake a large part of your business in this relationship. Some considerations to keep in mind when choosing a white label partner include:

Industry Reputation

Has the white label vendor you’re evaluating helped other businesses grow? Have those businesses had a good experience? While many white label partners won’t want to divulge their white label clients, good white label vendors can provide examples of how they’ve helped businesses with tangible facts, figures, and case studies, even if they can’t name their partners. 

Aligning Values and Visions

This new solution is becoming part of your brand. Ensure your white label vendor has values and visions that align with yours. 

Radical—and Demonstrated—Transparency

Remember, this product will be part of your branded offerings. If the company seems to be hiding things during the sales/demo process, proceed cautiously (or…bail). 

Proven Support

Will they provide technical support? Marketing support? Customer support? Or are you on your own with simply a branded new solution? 

Fast, Clear Communication 

If communication isn’t timely or transparent during the sales/consultation process, that might be a good indicator of what it will be like during your partnership.

The Ultimate Guide to Forming a Fruitful White Label SaaS Partership

Here at HiringThing, we white label an applicant tracking system (ATS), hiring software designed to streamline, automate, and strengthen recruiting.  We’re passionate about helping other businesses add to their solutions through white labeling, and—as evident by this blog—understand the importance of finding the right partner, which is why we created the Ultimate Guide to Establishing a White Label Partnership, which you can visit below for even more insights into creating the most fruitful relationship.  


About HiringThing

HiringThing is a modern recruiting and employee onboarding platform as a service that creates seamless talent experiences. Our white label solutions and open API enable HR technology and service providers to offer hiring and onboarding to their clients. Approachable and adaptable, the HiringThing HR platform empowers anyone, anywhere to build their dream team.