Hiring Will Never Be the Same - Recruiting in a Post-2020 World

Co-workers looking at information on laptop

Where were you when the world stopped turning? In the wake of a global pandemic, every business and employee was unsettled by the unknown. Masks, temperature checks, and children popping in on conference calls became standard almost overnight. From there, the year 2020 did not ease up on presenting new challenges. Employee management, work environments, and safety protocols became the primary concerns for every organization.

As a 100% remote company, we were well positioned, but we were not unaffected. The extraordinary impact affecting our clients, partners, and team members was also a top concern and source of stress throughout the year. As real as that is, we are hopeful and optimistic about the future.

For the better, the way we hire and work will never return to past “norms”. Let’s look at the ways hiring is irreversibly transformed and join us in embracing new recruiting practices to discover Hiring Happiness™ in 2021 and beyond.


Download our free resource: Hiring Will Never Be the Same - Recruiting in a post-2020 world to look into the future of hiring. Learn how to ensure meaningful candidate selection in the digital landscape, cultivate effective diversity, equity, & inclusion practices, navigate work flexibility and models, and how to optimize your HR practices with new technologies.

About HiringThing 

HiringThing is a modern recruiting platform as a service that creates seamless hiring experiences. Our private label applicant tracking system and open API enable technology and service providers to embed hiring capabilities from sourcing to onboarding. Approachable and adaptable, the platform empowers anyone, anywhere, to hire their dream team.