HiringThing Ranked Top 10 Among Applicant Tracking Systems

HiringThing Ranked 3rd in User Reviews and our Mobile App Rank 2nd Amongst Getapp’s Top 10
We’re excited to announce that HiringThing has been ranked in the Top 10 Applicant Tracking Systems by GetApp.
The ranking was determined using data available on GetApp and collected from other third party sources. The factors used to calculate an app’s GetRank score include user generated reviews, integrations, mobile platforms, media presence, and security. The ranking will be updated every quarter to reflect newly available data.
The goal is to provide valuable data to companies who are looking to make a first assessment when choosing HR software.
“HR solutions are essential to help an employer effectively manage current and future employees, whether that be with training, scheduling, or booking time off. Regardless of if these functions are bundled as an all-in-one solution or are offered as a standalone product, HR applications need to be able to interact and integrate with each other in order to reduce the amount of time that a company spends on routine HR tasks,” says GetApp cofounder Christophe Primault.
About HiringThing
Approachable and adaptable, the HiringThing platform empowers everyone, everywhere, to hire their dream team. Try HiringThing’s easy-to-use, feature-rich applicant tracking system with a free 14-day trial today!