HR Blogs Every Manager Should Read

Two hiring manager review HR blogs together

With so much information available, it can be hard to stay on top of what’s important. We make it our job to stay on top of the latest HR trends, so we’ve put together a list of the most valuable (and most interesting) HR blogs that every manager should be reading.


If you only have time to read one HR blog, this is the one! This is a one-stop source to find updates on timely talent and HR issues, in-depth analysis, and highlights on HR from around the web. HR pros from organizations of all sizes contribute frequently. You’ll find something for every business owner, manager and HR professional on TLNT. No time to read it all? Keep your finger to pulse by following @tlnt_com on Twitter.

Ask a Manager

We love that this blog is written by someone who is actively practicing HR every day. Readers submit questions that get answered in-depth. At first glance, some of the questions may seem trivial, but anyone who’s been a manager or business owner knows these issues come up all the time. And, dealing with disagreements among employees, misunderstandings between internal team members or managers, and how to stop meeting “sprawl” can take up a lot of time.

All Things Workplace

With the tagline “teaching smart people practical ways to become extraordinary”, award-winning management writer and speaker Steve Roessler sets the bar high. He peels back the layers and shows readers how to see things from a different point of view. His recent post Tell the Truth about Talent challenges everyone involved in the process of reviewing employees to ask the hard questions, encourage others to be honest and demand evidence to support claims on a worker’s performance (good or bad).

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