HiringThing Blog

Product Teams Should Embrace White Labeling

Written by Pat Brothwell | August 21, 2023

As a product team, you’re constantly looking for ways to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your department and your product. White labeling is the perfect strategy to increase your team and product's efficiency without overextending either.  

White labeling is branding a product or service as your own without revealing the original producer. White labeling involves taking a product or service already developed and rebranding it as your own. In the world of SaaS, white labeling refers to using another company's software platform and rebranding it as your own, typically to resell it to your customers.

White labeling could be as simple as outfitting your new white labeled product with your organization’s branding and logo. It could also go further into private labeling, a white label modality that includes customizing the product better to fit your target audience and industry. 

White or private labeling allows organizations to add features and products quickly and efficiently without having to contend with the expensive and time-consuming process of developing them from scratch. It’s a powerful strategy for product managers, as it allows them to quickly and efficiently meet the growing needs of their customer base and nimbly get ahead of product trends in a way that doesn’t tax their engineering teams. 

This blog will explore why product teams should embrace white labeling as an essential strategic part of their product roadmaps moving forward. 

Here at HiringThing, we white label an applicant tracking system (ATS)—hiring software built to streamline and optimize recruiting. We also have intuitive white label employee onboarding software, so writing about HR tech isn’t something we’re just writing about for clicks. We are here to help businesses expand their customer base, increase competitiveness, and drive new revenue through white and private labeling. This is something we’re passionate about and have over a 15 years of experience doing. 

The Top Reasons Product Managers Should Embrace White Labeling SaaS Solutions

Time and Cost Savings

Developing a new product from scratch is time-consuming and expensive, compounded by the fact that most product managers have experienced constraints caused by limited engineering resources. 

Check out our post, The Cost of Building an MVP (minimal viable product), for a more in-depth look at how much time and money it takes to create an entirely new product (and how much time and money you can save by white labeling).  

Additionally, when you take on a white label partnership, you also get the support and assistance of that partner’s existing team, essentially expanding the bandwidth of your own team. They can help you market and sell this new product, often lend help with customer support, and their product team is continually bettering the white label product. Your team can concentrate on your core product(s) while launching this new product! By white labeling an existing product, you can save your team valuable time and resources that can be better spent on other initiatives. 

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Integrating Proven Success

Adding a new feature or product to your platform is always a gamble, even with the best market research. You never know how the new update will perform with your customer base or what glitches may arise. White labeling eliminates these concerns, as you’re partnering with an organization and product that has already proven successful. 

When you white label a product, you’re piggybacking off the success of the original producer. You’re offering your customers a proven, high-quality product that has already been tested and succeeded with end users without going through the lengthy development process yourself. Additionally, good white-label partners will troubleshoot glitches and continually update and iterate the product you’re presenting as your own. 

Not every white-label partner is created equal. All will tout their success, but it’s up to you to do your homework and ensure this partner has the success they claim. While we’re certainly pushing white labeling as a quick and efficient way for product managers to enhance and expand their products, it’s a big step and one that deserves a critical approach. We’ve created The Ultimate Guide to Establishing a White Label SaaS Partnership to help product managers and other SaaS company stakeholders find, audit, and start meaningful, long-lasting white or private label partnerships. 

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Increasing Efficiency

Product managers have a big job. There always seems to be too much to do, with efficiency in both teams and processes being key. Still, did you know that only 28% of product managers believe they’ve “optimized” the product-development process to peak efficiency? 

White labeling allows you to streamline your operations and add features and products quickly and efficiently while giving you time to focus on all your other strategic initiatives. Instead of worrying about the actual engineering portion of product development—often out of your control—white label allows you to outsource to trusted partners. 

Additionally, a strong white or private label partner will help optimize your and your team’s efficiency by helping your organization market and sell the new product or feature. Remember, a white or private label partner is invested in your success—they grow their business and revenue when you grow yours! 

42% of product managers release software updates at least once a week. If you’re the other 58% of product teams, white labeling could help change that (a strong white label partner updates your white label product and features regularly). 

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Greater Flexibility in Your Core Product(s)

More than 80% of today’s tech organizations are moving quickly on new development initiatives designed to make them more innovative, resilient, and competitive. “Moving quickly” is the key here, as it denotes how important it is for successful tech organizations to be flexible to achieve the resilience and competitive edge and meet customer needs.

Think about the recent rush to capitalize on the uptick in AI. Innovative companies jumped on incorporating it, even if it wasn’t on the roadmap prior. That’s the flexibility required to create successful products today. 

When you white label, you can be nimble in what products and features you offer. When you private label, you further have the flexibility to customize new products to better fit the needs and preferences of your target market. White labeling provides the flexibility to give you the competitive edge it takes to stand out in crowded markets! 

83% of SaaS executives foresee an increased need for new products and services—white labeling gives companies the flexibility to make that happen.

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Forward-Thinking Companies Should Consider White Labeling Hiring Solutions 

White labeling is a powerful strategy for product managers to embrace. It saves your team time and resources, gives you access to proven products, increases efficiency for you and your team, and empowers you with greater flexibility. By considering white labeling a viable option,  you can drive success for your product team and company. 

As mentioned earlier, at HiringThing, we offer white and private-label hiring solutions. Hiring is one of the biggest challenges across industries, and we’ve been seeing companies ranging from HR Tech titans to vertical SaaS startups increase their revenue, expand market share, and gain a competitive edge by white labeling our proven ATS. Interested? Check out Forward-Thinking Product Teams Managers Should Consider Hiring Solutions

About HiringThing

HiringThing is a modern recruiting and employee onboarding platform as a service that creates seamless talent experiences. Our white label solutions and open API enable technology and service providers to offer hiring and onboarding to their clients. Approachable and adaptable, the platform empowers anyone, anywhere to build their dream team.