What We Heard at NAPEO: The Game Changers in Hiring

In the September issue of PEO Insider, Kevin Brewer laid out a clear case: white label solutions can help PEOs add extra value to their client relationships. At NAPEO, those conversations were buzzing too, with two key points that stood out loud and clear: AI is transforming recruiting, and employee onboarding is a crucial, often-missing piece of the puzzle.

Let’s break down why these two trends should be top priorities for PEOs—and how white label ATS and onboarding solutions can help you stay ahead of the curve.

AI Is Changing Recruiting (and No, It's Not Sci-Fi)

AI has officially entered the recruiting chat, and it’s not just tech talk anymore. It’s streamlining everything from candidate sourcing to job matching, even helping to screen out mediocre applicants so you can focus on the stars. At NAPEO, PEOs and staffing agencies alike were abuzz about how AI is saving them time, improving candidate quality, and helping them look like rockstars to their clients.

What does this mean for PEOs? It’s simple: AI offers the ability to speed up hiring, which means happier clients and more capacity to grow your business. AI delivers on smart and efficient hiring processes, and if you’re not offering it, someone else will.

Employee Onboarding: The Missing Piece

Everyone focuses on recruiting—getting the best talent through the door—but what happens after the offer letter? The truth is, a lot of employers drop the ball when it comes to onboarding. At NAPEO, this was a hot topic: the need for a streamlined, compliant, mobile-friendly onboarding process that automates repetitive admin processes and provides a clear, structured process for new hires.

Onboarding is your client’s first impression with a new hire, and that impression sticks. A smooth onboarding process sets the tone for retention, compliance, and long-term employee happiness (and as you are intimately aware, compliance is not optional). PEOs that help their clients master onboarding not only reduce headaches, they prove they’re invested in their clients’ success beyond the hiring process. That’s a win.

How White Label ATS and Onboarding Solutions Add Value

Now, let’s talk solutions. You need more than good intentions to meet these client demands—you need the right tools, and you need them to be fast and easy to implement. Enter white label ATS and onboarding software.

Our white label ATS isn’t just a plug-and-play recruiting system; it’s an AI-driven tool that helps PEOs deliver smarter, faster hiring results. It’s effortlessly customizable, so you can offer your clients exactly what they need while keeping it under your brand. Efficiency meets flexibility—everyone wins.

And then, there’s the onboarding piece. Our onboarding solution is more than just a digital signature platform (though we have that too). We handle the entire process, from compliance to culture. Think automated workflows, customizable forms, e-signatures, and built-in I-9 verification. It’s all in one place, making your clients’ lives easier and keeping you in the driver’s seat.

What This Means for PEOs

Kevin Brewer was spot on in saying that white label solutions empower PEOs to add more value to their client relationships. By integrating AI and onboarding solutions, you’re not just adding value—you’re future-proofing your business.

Clients want to streamline their processes without adding complexity. They want tech that works, and they want to feel confident that their PEO partner is ready for whatever comes next. Offering AI-powered recruiting and seamless onboarding doesn’t just make you competitive; it makes you indispensable.

The Future Is Now

AI and onboarding are no longer "nice-to-haves"—they’re essential if you want to stay relevant in today’s HR landscape. At NAPEO, it was clear that the PEOs and staffing agencies who embrace these tools are already pulling ahead.

Want to be one of them? Let’s talk. We can help you leverage white label ATS and onboarding solutions to give your clients more value, more efficiency, and ultimately, more peace of mind.



About HiringThing

HiringThing is a modern recruiting and employee onboarding platform as a service that creates seamless talent experiences. Our white label solutions and open API enable HR technology and service providers to offer hiring and onboarding to their clients. Approachable and adaptable, the platform empowers anyone, anywhere to build their dream team.

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