HR Annie: A HiringThing Success Story

Colleagues congratulate each other over a professional success.

HiringThing is dedicated to making the recruitment process easier for smaller organizations. As we continue to improve upon that quest, we are looking for ways to offer assistance in market fields that have tended to overlooked and underserved. In that quest, we have come across a number of fabulous clients that are helping us shape the future of our software.

One of those fields has been the Human Resource Consultant community. Typically these consultants focus on helping their clients manage all their Human Resource needs. Because these consultants have to be well-versed in so many aspects of HR, they often don’t have as much time to devote to recruitment as needed. This is where HiringThing has played a big part in improving the bottom line of their clients. Not only has our software significantly cut down on the amount of time HR Consultants need to spend on crafting an effective recruitment process, but the software has also helped companies hire more qualified applicants in the process.

A great example of HiringThing’s successful relationship with HR Consultants has been with Annie Reed, owner of HR Annie Consulting. Annie provides comprehensive HR services for companies in and around the Portland, OR metro area. She was looking for a way to easily store recruiting data, and provide better applicant management and tracking capabilities for her clients.

“HiringThing has given me the opportunity to advertise job openings, receive and organize applicants, and provide reliable reporting to my clients, all from one place; convenient, one-stop recruitment! It has made it easier to communicate with clients about potential hires, with applicants about their status throughout the process, and made the overall recruitment process more efficient and effective.”

Thanks, Annie, we couldn’t have said it better.

About HiringThing

Approachable and adaptable, the HiringThing platform empowers everyone, everywhere, to hire their dream team. Try HiringThing’s easy-to-use, feature-rich applicant tracking system with a free 14-day trial today!


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