HiringThing Blog

Overcoming HR Tech Implementation Challenges

Written by Pat Brothwell | February 15, 2024

HR technology is the pivotal link connecting human capital with organizational success, and organizations are taking note. 

  • 89% of C-Suite executives and 83% of HR leaders attest that HR tech empowers them to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of work with increased flexibility and responsiveness.
  • 80% of HR professionals report improvements in their business due to investments in HR tech
  • A staggering 97% of employers plan to boost their recruiting technology investments. 

However, 82% of HR tech users struggle with implementing their HR tech. As an HR tech provider, this is something we’re familiar with. Low implementation and adoption lead to low user engagement and a bigger risk of customer churn.

In this article, we’ll explore common HR tech implementation challenges and discuss what we’ve learned regarding effective strategies to overcome them.

Common HR Tech Implementation Challenges and Their Solutions

Challenge: A Lack of Clear Objectives and Planning 

One of the most significant hurdles in HR tech implementation is the absence of well-defined objectives and a comprehensive plan. 

Our most fruitful partnerships here at HiringThing are with organizations who know what they want to get out of their new HR tech solution. We’re happy to help our partners strategize together on goals or objectives, but can’t stress enough what an oversight not having established objectives and measurable goals is.

Solution: Have Well-Defined Goals for Your HR Tech

We’ve seen organizations take on a new recruiting solution and think it will help ‘grow’ their company, to which we always say, grow how? If this is a white label partnership, do they want to grow revenue? Market share? Productivity? If an ATS end-user, do they want to shorten the time to hire? Get better candidates? Save money? The best goals are specific, which allows them to be measurable in meaningful ways.

Knowing what pain points your new HR tech solution addresses is an excellent place to start. What’s the why behind it? 

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Challenge: Defending HR Tech's ROI

Since many organizations still view HR as a support function, getting buy-in for new HR tech can be difficult, especially because ROI isn’t always black and white and sometimes becomes difficult to prove. This is not just an issue pre-implementation. Even during and after implementation, keeping track of the effectiveness of HR technology can be tricky.

Solutions: Be Able to Showcase How You'll Measure Effectiveness 

When you come up with your defined goals, you also need to have defined KPIs set to measure those goals. For recruiting—since that’s what we do here at HiringThing—that could include improved quality of hires, retention, time to hire, or money saved (or a combination of all of those). It’s important to have a quantitative framework for these benefits before implementation.

Moreover, several cost savings come directly with the implementation of HR tech. This includes process automation, which reduces the need to hire more entry-level employees. These cost savings can immediately be translated into ROI terms so that the benefits of HR technology adoption become apparent and can increase the buy-in for other HR tech initiatives going forward.

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Challenge: Resistance to Change

Buy-in from employees is one of the things that can make or break the implementation of any enterprise software, including HR tech. There’s a very narrow time window for employees to start using the software regularly. If this window is missed, successful implementation becomes difficult.

Employees may resist the introduction of new technologies due to fear of job displacement, unfamiliarity, or concerns about increased workload.

Solution: Embrace Customer Onboarding Strategies

 Any HR technology adoption needs to come with a proper plan around training and motivation. At the first level, this includes communication about the software to the HR teams who will be operating and managing it.

Onboarding is key to both our partners’ and end users’ success here at HiringThing. When a new partner comes on, we immediately start working on an onboarding plan with them.”  

An onboarding strategy is a big part of that—86% of customers are more loyal to a company if they have strong welcoming and onboarding content. This means having an onboarding team or strategy in place for HR tech companies. For purchasers, look for a vendor that offers onboarding. 

Another real pain point around this change resistance is when people expect the new software to do exactly what the old software does - work exactly the same way. Usually, the point of getting new software is that it doesn't work the same way. So having an open mind and viewing the need to change processes as an opportunity to streamline and refine them is a good way to overcome this.

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Challenge: Integrating With Existing Systems: 

Compatibility issues with existing systems can be a significant roadblock. Ensuring seamless integration is crucial for avoiding disruptions in workflow.

A report by the HR Research Institute revealed only 16% of talent professionals report having well-integrated systems of HR tech.

It’s important today that HR technologies integrate seamlessly to provide the best user experience for customers. 

Solution: Audit Your Integrations

Conduct a thorough assessment of existing systems and infrastructure before selecting HR tech. Choose solutions that offer easy integration or invest in middleware if needed. Collaborate closely with IT teams to address any compatibility challenges.

An open application programming interface (API) helps applications communicate and interact with one another. In the simplest terms, an open API allows one piece of software to interact with another (for example, recruiting and onboarding software can seamlessly exchange information). 

HiringThing’s open API allows our customer’s tech teams to navigate the platform easily. Our developer program has tools, resources, and a community of experts on hand to make it even easier. Check it out here! 

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Challenge: Insufficient Training and Support 

Inadequate training can lead to underutilizing HR tech, reducing its overall impact on organizational processes. A smooth onboarding and offboarding process ensures a positive experience for new hires and departing employees. HR technology must manage documentation, training, and benefits administration effectively.

Solution: Ensure There is Robust Support 

84% of customers say customer service experience is as crucial as product functionalities and results. 86% of customers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience. You can prioritize the customer experience by: 

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Overcoming HR tech implementation challenges requires a strategic and well-coordinated effort. By addressing issues related to planning, change management, training, and security, organizations can pave the way for successful integration. Embracing HR technology enhances operational efficiency and contributes to creating a more agile, data-driven, and employee-centric workplace. With careful planning and a commitment to continuous improvement, organizations can navigate the complexities of HR tech implementation and unlock the full potential of modern HR solutions.

About HiringThing

HiringThing is a modern recruiting and employee onboarding platform as a service that creates seamless talent experiences. Our white label solutions and open API enable technology and service providers to offer hiring and onboarding to their clients. Approachable and adaptable, the platform empowers anyone, anywhere to build their dream team.