Scheduling Your Remote Team

A remote employee works from a coffee shop on their own schedule

Should Remote Workers Have Set Schedules?

As of fall 2021, 45% of organizations in the U.S. allowed workers to work remotely either all or part of the time. Flexibility is one of the main attractions of remote positions. However, managers and employers struggle with having a fixed schedule in order to maintain deadlines, ensure productivity, etc., versus giving remote employees complete autonomy when it comes to creating their schedules.  

How We Operate at HiringThing

At HiringThing, we believe our employees should be allotted workplace flexibility and the freedom to create their own schedules in which they would be the most productive. Our employees set "regular working hours" in their Slack profiles so that their coworkers know when they're available. Now, employees are free to deviate from these hours, but that at least sets a base for others to plan around.  Most importantly, we expect our employees to communicate with their departments to ensure they have time to collaborate or chat when necessary. 

Another caveat is that depending on the nature of the role, not every position can be 100% flexible. Customer Service Representatives, for example, have set hours they must be available so that our customer base always has someone to reach out to, and while the sales team has flexibility, they must build their schedules around the best time to meet with potential clients.  We've alluded to it earlier, but will say it again: strong communication is essential to successfully navigate flexible schedules. 

Weekly Company-Wide Meetings

We also have two weekly company-wide meetings at HiringThing, on Monday and Thursday at noon. All team members are required to attend these meetings. Even though we love our flexible schedules, these set meetings ensure there are times the entire company can be involved in productive discussions.

Some Flexible Schedule Benefits

Studies show that flexible schedules make employees both happier and more productive. According to a nationwide survey, 65% of remote workers said that remote work would give their productivity a boost. Another 86% said that working alone allows them to hit maximum productivity. 

Tips for Maximizing Flexible Schedules

While tracking employee time has its pros, flexibility is what attracts many employees to remote work. Studies show this flexibility improves their happiness and overall wellbeing. However, it does not work for every company and department. Some tasks may need to be completed during normal business hours, such as working with customers. To help you determine the best situation for your company, consider the following options:

  • Allow employees to set their own hours but ask them to give you their work schedules at the beginning of each week.
  • Allow custom work hours but require employees to attend meetings and training sessions regardless of the time.
  • Set deadlines for completion of work rather than require certain hours. This will allow your employees to work on their own time but will ensure all work is completed when you need it.

Is remote work something you're looking for in your next role? Check out our open positions!


This post was updated on 12/2/21.

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