How HiringThing Collaborates With AI

A HiringThing team member collaborates with AI.

Approach AI As a Collaborator 

We’re rapidly approaching a complete AI transformation of the workforce if it isn’t already here—50% of employees already utilize AI in some capacity (whether they know it or not), and 88% of worldwide businesses use AI for HR purposes. 

While there are plenty of skeptics (and plenty of legitimate, ethical concerns coming down the pipeline), we’re fans of AI here at HiringThing. Our number one reason? It makes us better at our jobs! Rather than approaching AI as a competitor (taking our jobs) or substitute (doing our jobs), we’ve been approaching AI as a fellow collaborator, someone (something?) we can work with to make us more creative, more productive, and give us ideas we hadn’t thought of before! 

Remember, at this point, AI isn’t infallible. It needs smart people to be effective. Per HiringThing CEO Joshua Siler, in an article he penned for Forbes

AI is excellent for automating mundane tasks, reducing human error, communicating more effectively, and affording consistency. But it’s not yet infallible. AI can’t think for us or emulate brand voice (yet), and it has biases just like people do. In short, the technology is only as good as the instructions it's given. So it will always need skilled human employees to properly implement it.

There’s a great article we love from Harvard Business Review titled AI Should Augment Human Intelligence, Not Replace It. We urge you to check it out. It encapsulates the ethos of HiringThing’s collaborative approach. Viewing AI as a partner and collaborator allows people to spend their time more strategically, doing and strengthening tasks only people can do. 

Read on for real-life examples of how our team collaborates with AI. 

How We're Collaborating With AI Here at HiringThing 

It's not that AI is making me better at my job, but it's helping me save time by taking care of the more laborious tasks like voiceover work, outlining presentations, and more. Because of this, it's definitely a collaborator rather than a substitute as it gives me more time to focus on more important tasks as well as provides insight and ideas I hadn't thought of before.”  - Noël Hancock, Director, ATS Success and Implementations

For the Support Team, AI has allowed us to focus on what we want to say, but without agonizing over how to say it best. We often take an outline of what we need to convey to the client, feed it into the AI, and ask it to produce a friendly, professional response that helps the client understand next steps, UI functions, or workarounds. This enables us to dedicate more time to resolving issues, educating, and informing our clients in a fast and efficient manner while ensuring that we listen to them, comprehend their needs, and value their input.” - Elaine Gingery, Customer Support Services Team Lead 

As a marketing professional, I harness AI to extract concise insights and perspectives, as well as kickstart my writing process. Generative AI is enhancing the efficiency and quality of my content creation. I'm also keenly watching how advancements in AI can improve automation and performance across all marketing initiatives.” - Joanna Campa, Marketing Director 

“AI is an amazing tool to help a hiring team get started with job descriptions and makes my job so much easier when I am working on an implementation with a new client. A way to cut down on brainstorming or manual copy and pasting, this tool does all the research for you and I can hear the relief in someone just getting started that they have help. A brilliant way for me to continue helping them one step beyond the implementation.” - Casi Kristant, ATS Success and Implementations 

Editor’s Note: AI, in the form of Chat GPT, helped outline this blog post. But these above insights? That’s something only people can give. 

Check Out Our AI Resources

When ChatGPT first became the buzziest thing in business late last year, HiringThing CEO Joshua Siler called an all-hands meeting to discuss the implications of AI and encouraged the team here to fully embrace working in conjunction with artificial intelligence to make ourselves, our company, and product more valuable. As you can see, the team has run with it! Our firsthand experience successfully harnessing this has allowed us to create what we feel is some really valuable AI content we’d love to share. 

About HiringThing

HiringThing is a modern recruiting platform as a service that creates seamless hiring experiences. Our private label applicant tracking system and open API enable technology and service providers to embed hiring capabilities from sourcing to onboarding. Approachable and adaptable, the platform empowers anyone, anywhere, to hire their dream team.